What exactly is on-page SEO

Paul Baguley

This type of SEO strategy is fixated on adding meta tags to your blog posts, incorporating only the relevant keywords. If you want to perfect on-page SEO, you should start by meeting a set of factors that will raise your page rankings.

It's the quality of content and the ability to supply a demand that really brings in the viewers. Remember that good content must be linkable in order for search engines to identify the inflows of traffic. An optimised page needs to contain original content, utilise keyword targeting, have a social network following, and be accessible to bot crawlers for indexing.

On each page, your title can be wrapped in an H1 element to emphasise its importance to the reader. Subheadings are usually displayed in smaller fonts. Include the primary keyword both in the title itself and within the first 100 words of any article. Don't forget to use the primary keyword in the page URL. Feel free to bold or italicise keywords to make them stand out. Alt tags aren't a bad idea either; they improve the visibility of your blog's images. People are more likely to notice visual media in the form of a video or a series of stock images. An alt tag describes what's in an image, thus contributing to on-page SEO.

If you want to implement a call-to-action button, then an alt tag is an absolute must. Whenever people browse for your products and services, alt tags help them find it through Google images. In addition, gather up your sources using outbound links. Those pages that link to authority sites allow Google to understand your page topic. Internal links are great for directing potential clients to a sales page or to related blog posts to keep your audience engaged.

To write a clear, concise copy, you want the content to appear well-organised and straight to the point. Focus on writing for the user, not the search engine. Write in the active voice whenever possible. Make sure to proofread the final copy for grammar errors and wordiness to make the content easy to digest. Posting long content full of information will often rank higher, especially if people link to that page on social media. Social sharing buttons are an effective way to gain more traffic from external sources.

Are you interested in knowing more about how in-page SEO is achieved or would like an agency to handle your websites SEO then please fill in the contact form on our contact us page and we will be in touch shortly.