Anatomy of a great eCommerce product page


A great ecommerce product page is a must if you want to make sales. This guide is going to help you to Improve the performance of your ecommerce product pages and create pages that rank well. You will be able to bring in more traffic, and actually convert. Every single product page is a potential landing page, so you need to make sure they are up to scratch. A well constructed page will nearly always rank well.

So, let’s discuss the anatomy of a great ecommerce product page and how you can create one:

On Page SEO

Your on page SEO is key if you’re going to create a great ecommerce product page. You can do this by carrying out the following:

  • Optimising your product Title Tag
  • Optimising your H1 tag
  • Adding descriptive Alt Tags
  • Adding unique optimised copy

They are the basic SEO elements and should not be underestimated.

Use A Strong Featured Image

You will not achieve a sale with a pixelated or poorly composed image. That is a fact. Multiple images and angles is essential to sell any product, and they must be as high quality as possible.

A Simple Call To Action

A simple call to action can make all the difference to your results, even if it’s just an ‘Add to basket’ button. They should support key pieces of information to encourage people to take action.

Good Quality Product Information

Original copy to help get across key information is key if you’re going to make sales. Do not add the standard product text provided by the manufacturer. There are already so many sites with the same pictures and text and this is a huge mistake. Make sure that in the copy you describe the benefits, and don’t just list the features. People want to understand the results they could achieve and what they could enjoy. Focus on their experience when writing copy.

A Product Video

Videos have been proven to help to boost conversion rates. They can also allow the user to see the product up close - it’s the next best thing to viewing a product in the store. If you can’t create a video, then a 360 degree image may next be the next best thing. If you really want to make your ecommerce product page stand out, a video is crucial.

Display Reviews And Ratings

Reviews and ratings have also been proven to increase conversion rates, as social proof is very important to people these days. There are many third party platforms that allow you to integrate your reviews, so make sure you display your reviews and ratings. Don’t make up reviews and ratings or delete negative reviews either - many people find a product with a mix of reviews more appealing than a product with only 5 star reviews, as it is more believable.

Include FAQs

FAQs are additional user content that help users answer questions. You will also be updating your pages with fresh content, which the search engines love.